
Year Died or Found:1979
Date Died or Found:May 20
Sex / Race:Male / Caucasian
Online Documents:None
Place of Death / Found:Southern Pacific railroad tracks, north of Corvina Beach Drive and Highway 111, North Shore, CA
Estimated Age:Adult: It is believed he is between 35 and 45 years of age.
Estimated Time Since Death:Died the same day as found.
Hair / Eyes:Dark brown hair with brown eyes.
Hair Length:Medium
Height / Weight:6 feet (72 inches) and approximately 220 pounds
Features or distinguishing marks:This man had an old surgical scar on his left elbow, a scar on his left lower abdomen, and a large mole on inner left arm near his elbow. He had no upper teeth and possibly wore a denture.
Clothing:He was wearing brown (khaki) pants, a white pullover T-shirt, white socks and a blue jacket. No shoes were found.
Circumstances:This man is believed to have fallen from a moving train and sustained major head injuries. No identification was found with him. He is possibly a transient riding the trains. The train he was on was westbound and coming from the Yuma, Az. area, possibly originating much further east.
Other:Number 42882
Dental and fingerprints are available at DOJ or Coroner's Office.