If a person wants to inspect or obtain a copy of a public record, but fails to describe a reasonably identifiable record, is CPRA staff required to assist the individual?

Yes, to the extent determined to be reasonable under the circumstances. Under legislation effective January 1, 2002, when a member of the public makes a request to inspect or obtain a copy of a public record, CPRA staff is to assist the individual in making a focused and effective request that reasonably describes an identifiable record or records, shall do all the following to the extent reasonable under the circumstances:

(i) Assist the individual to identify records and information that are responsive to the request or purpose of the request, if stated;

(ii) Describe information technology and physical location in which the record exists; and

(iii) Provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denyingaccess to the records or information sought. (Gov Code 6253.1)

The requirements are satisfied if CPRA Unit staff are unable to identify the requested information after making a reasonable effort. CPRA Unit staff are not required to aid if the records are made available, the records are expressly exempt from disclosure, or an index of the record is made available. (Gov Code 6253.1(b))

Show All Answers

1. What is the "California Public Records Act? (Gov Code 6252 et seq)
2. What is a Public Record?
3. Who can make a Public Records Act Request?
4. Can a public records request be made anonymously?
5. Do I have to specify my reason for making a Public Records Act request?
6. Who at the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office is Responsible for Responding to CPRA Requests?
7. Are all public records subject to public disclosure?
8. Does a request for records have to be in writing?
9. When are records to be made available for inspection?
10. If a person wants to inspect or obtain a copy of a public record, but fails to describe a reasonably identifiable record, is CPRA staff required to assist the individual?
11. What is the time frame for responding to a request for public records?
12. Can the time period to respond be extended?
13. What constitutes "unusual circumstances" for extending the time to respond?
14. ls the Sheriff's Office required to notify the requesting party in writing of the 14-day extension?
15. What if the requested records contain both exempt and nonexempt materials?
16. Can a requester have the records disclosed in electronic format?
17. ls the Sheriff's Office required to provide a copy of the electronic record in the format requested?
18. Can the Sheriff's Office charge a fee for copies of the records being requested?
19. Can the Sheriff's Office charge for services in providing copies of records?
20. What if the Sheriff's Office says that it has no records responsive to my request?
21. How long must the Sheriff's Office maintain records?
22. Where can I find the records retention policy?
23. On what grounds may a request for public records be denied?
24. Does the CPRA contain a list of state laws that expressly exempts information contained in a record from disclosure?
25. ls the Sheriff's Office required to respond to a request for public record in writing?
26. ls the Sheriff's Office required to state reasons for denying a request for records?
27. Can the Sheriff's Office deny a request based on the purpose of the request?
28. Can the Sheriff's Office file an action for declaratory relief to ask the court to determine whether the records must be disclosed?
29. What if the Sheriff's Office unjustifiably denies a request for a record?
30. ls a written communication within the Sheriff's Office in reference to pending or current litigation subject to disclosure?
31. Are sections from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office Standards Manual (“DSM”) exempt from disclosure?
32. Is a police report subject to disclosure?
33. Is a report of an ongoing investigation subject to disclosure?
34. Is a report regarding juvenile subject to disclosure?
35. Will the Sheriff's Office redact any information before it is disclosed?
36. Is police body worn camera footage subject to disclosure?
37. Is a traffic accident report subject to disclosure?
38. Can information regarding people who hold concealed weapons permits be disclosed?
39. Is information in a peace officer's personnel file subject to disclosure?
40. ls a request for premises history information disclosable (i.e., information regarding criminal activity at an address or addresses)?
41. ls an individual's criminal history disclosable?
42. Are materials used in training police officers subject to disclosure?
43. ls the Arrest Log Information of people who have been arrested by the Sheriff's Office subject to disclosure?
44. Are Sheriff's employees entitled to their personnel files with a request under the CPRA?
45. Are Sheriff's employees entitled to inspect records relating to possible criminal investigation or letters of reference?
46. Is the salary information of Sheriff's employees subject to disclosure?
47. Are administrative investigations considered public records that are subject to inspection under the CPRA?