
Year Died or Found:1980
Date Died or Found:March 16, 1980
Sex / Race:Male / Caucasian (to include Hispanic)
Online Documents:Dental, Fingerprints
Place of Death / Found:He was found on roadway of Avenue 50 between Polk and Tyler Street, in the city of Coachella, CA. It is unknown where death occurred.
Estimated Age:Adult: It is believed that this man was between 20 and 25 years old.
Estimated Time Since Death:One to two days prior to being found.
Hair / Eyes:He had light to medium brown hair and hazel eyes.
Hair Length:The hair was medium in length.
Features or distinguishing marks:He wore a reddish-brown mustache and a thin reddish brown goatee. No scars, tattoos, or disfigurements were found.
Clothing:He had been wearing brown pants and an orange T-shirt with the inscription, "Indescribably delicious" printed on the front. He did not have shoes or socks when found. No jewelry or identification was found with him.
Circumstances:This man was shot multiple times and left in the roadway. Numerous attempts to identify him by his fingerprints and missing person listings have not been successful.
1980-4518 Dental Records
1980-4518 Fingerprint Records