
Year Died or Found:1979
Date Died or Found:February 25
Sex / Race:Male / Black
Online Documents:Dental
Place of Death / Found:Found in Lake Perris, Perris, CA
Estimated Age:Adult: It is believed that he was between 25 and 30 years old.
Estimated Time Since Death:Between 2 to 6 days
Hair / Eyes:Black with brown eyes
Hair Length:Short
Height / Weight:5 feet, 8 inches (68 inches) tall and approximately 210 pounds
Features or distinguishing marks:No tattoos, scars or disfigurements found. He had extensive dental work.
Clothing:He was found wearing only a white T-shirt. No other clothing, jewelry, personal items, vehicle, or identification was found during a search of the Lake Perris State Park property.
Circumstances:This man was found floating in the water at Lake Perris. No trauma was detected and the cause of death is drowning. No witnesses to him going into the water were located. No missing persons information has been located to identify him.
1979-2398 Sketch
1979-2398 Dental Records