
Year Died or Found:1975
Date Died or Found:October 24
Sex / Race:Female / Black
Online Documents:Fingerprints
Place of Death / Found:Found in drainage canal south of Newton Street, Riverside, CA
Estimated Age:19 to 25 years old
Hair / Eyes:Black short afro / Brown eyes
Hair Length:6 to 8 inches
Height / Weight:5 feet, 8 inches / About 135 pounds
Location of Incident:Drainage canal near Newton Street in the Rubidoux area of Riverside.
NCIC:14TT070607 06X O16PM12
Features or distinguishing marks:She was wearing a silver-colored fork bracelet with 1-inch prongs, brown stone. She had a ring in a 2-rose design with a clear stone. She appeared well-groomed.
Circumstances:Found in shallow water, dead less than one day. Suspected drug overdose but treated as homicide death. No identification found.
Other:Number 35846
1975-5846 Sketch
1975-5846 Fingerprint Records
1975-5846 Thumbprint Records